Thursday, November 20, 2008

welcome back home!

hey CHOONG SHER LEE! you're finally back home! :DDDDDD i misssss your pinkie laptop T_T oh for your info , choong sher lee is my eldest sister :D she's finally graduated and came back home today. actually she came back to malaysia few days ago. but she went to the boyfriend's home and sleepover. my parents didnt know about that. they thought she just came back from melbourne today. today only she wanna come back home. then tomorrow going to boyfriend's house and sleeeeeepover again =.= how nice! T_T she's going for alot alot alot alot alot alot alot of trips also. hoooooooooooowwww niceeeeeeeeeeee T_T *envy her*

oh btw, HAPPY SWEET FIFTEEN, CHIEW HUI XIN! :D heh she's my volleyball team captain. although im not close to her, but still have to wish her la. good manners :D:D:D OH SHE'S HOT AND SEXAY! ahah. im serious!


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